Monday, 15 September 2014

Printdot builds Goizper Group 'MATABI' Glee Exhibition stand at Birmingham NEC!

Above are finished photos of the Goziper Group 'MATABI' Glee Exhibition stand. This was built at the Birmingham NEC by ourselves and was completed with a 3-day turnaround! Can we work to tight deadlines? You bet we can! We started preparing the materials on the Monday and was all loaded up and ready to go to the NEC by Wednesday afternoon. Thursday morning we started the build. The exhibition was from 14th - 16th September and was successfully ready by Saturday night, a great achievement!

The stand itself is 48m/sq and features 49m/sq of printed wall graphics, TV monitor, lighting and a 3x1m store room with hospitality facilities.

Well done Printdot!

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