Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Our new Printdot banner design!

Check out our brand new Printdot Sidewinder banner! This will be displayed at the North East Wolverhampton (N.E.W) Academy at the careers fair on Wednesday 18th March.

These are available in different widths so check out our website now for more information

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Business Forward Networking Meeting in Telford

The Business Forward networking meeting in Telford is in a weeks time! The meeting is hosted by ourselves and everybody is welcome. Best of all it's FREE! Please register now via the information above. It's a great opportunity to share ideas, make new contacts, have one-to-one meetings and expand your business. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Beacon Church sign fitted!

On Monday you saw the Beacon Church sign being completed in house and here it is all fitted 4m up in the air on the side of the church wall!

There were some great compliments too with some people thinking the dibond was directly printed onto instead of using vinyl application. Unfortunately we weren't able to fit the sign ourselves due to scaffolding towers being used but remember when it comes to sign making there is no job too big or small!

What a difference it has made compared to the old sign, and a great achievement by all of us.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Dibond Beacon Church sign complete!

This job consisted of using the vinyl application process. This 6m x 1.5m Dibond sign has had cut vinyl applied to it and will be installed this Wednesday 4m up in the air so watch this space!

Here is a photo of the vinyl application being undertaken:

This involved a lot of measuring, taping and use of the squeegee! All hard work paid off in the end

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Printdot contributes to the Autosport International show at Birmingham NEC!

The completed stand! On 6th January 2015, Printdot supplied the Birmingham City University "BCU Racing" stand with PVC banners and vinyls for the tower, foamex boards and lighting for the walls, literature stands and vinyl laptop covers and also laid the carpet down.

Below shows the placed walls and 
the carpet with covering on as the tower and cars arrived

Friday, 5 December 2014

8 chalk boards printed, cut and laminated!

Throughout the week our mission was to frame different sized chalk board vinyls for a local pub. To do this we printed the design onto ordinary white vinyl and then laminated on top for protection and to make them look more realistic. They were then mounted onto MDF using PVA glue.

It felt like a great achievement to put them next to each other size by side, hence them being taken outside!

Thursday, 18 September 2014

All Canalside Farm Shop & Cafe signs fitted!

During the summer of 2014 we had a big order for signage which we had to design, make and fit for the Canalside farm shop based in Great Haywood, Stafford. During August, the new Canalside Cafe opened which meant even more signs!

The photos above show all of the signs we did, all brand new designs, either replacing the old farm shop ones or fixing the new ones onto the walls of the brand new cafe. From big heavy acrylic signs using the vinyl application process to small lightweight dibond signs which were directly printed onto.

This was another great achievement by Printdot and is great to look back at. A BIG job well done!

Monday, 15 September 2014

Printdot builds Goizper Group 'MATABI' Glee Exhibition stand at Birmingham NEC!

Above are finished photos of the Goziper Group 'MATABI' Glee Exhibition stand. This was built at the Birmingham NEC by ourselves and was completed with a 3-day turnaround! Can we work to tight deadlines? You bet we can! We started preparing the materials on the Monday and was all loaded up and ready to go to the NEC by Wednesday afternoon. Thursday morning we started the build. The exhibition was from 14th - 16th September and was successfully ready by Saturday night, a great achievement!

The stand itself is 48m/sq and features 49m/sq of printed wall graphics, TV monitor, lighting and a 3x1m store room with hospitality facilities.

Well done Printdot!